Index W11550390 000000-047731 12500rpm live tool repair

DR7002525 Angular contact bearing
DR7002526 Angular contact bearing
DR7001954 Angular contact bearing
DR7000039 Bearing Cartridge Repair
DR7002528 Index gear set
DR7000024 Misc. Seals / Grease / etc…
DR7000041 Spindle Repair Labor And Assy
Inspection Results:
- The spindle journal diameters show no appreciable wear and are acceptable for proper bearing fits.
- Two bearing housings are larger than design specifications. We recommend plating and grinding these areas.
- The taper runout is acceptable. Our proposal provides no repair to the spindle taper.
- The bearings show some wear on the inner and outer diameters.
- One gear set is worn. We recommend replacing the gear set.
- The unit will be assembled and tested.