KNOS 71.16-2D, 11 HP, 17800 rpm, 220/380, 300Hz, s/n 01021919

DR7000340 Lower bearing
DR7000166 Upper bearing
DR7001854M Plate & Grind Journal – Manual spindle motor or live tool
DR7000039 Bearing Cartridge Repair
DR7000087 Dynamic Balance Rotating Part
DR7000041 Spindle Repair Labor And Assy
Inspection Results:
- The lower spindle journal diameter has some runout issues. We recommend plating and grinding this area.
- The upper bearing housing inner diameter is larger than design specifications and shows some wear. We recommend boring and bushing this housing.
- The lower bearing housing inner diameter is larger than design specifications and shows some wear. We recommend boring and bushing this housing.
- The taper runout is acceptable. Our proposal provides no repair to the spindle taper.
- The upper and lower bearings show some wear on the inner and outer diameters.
- The stator passed the phase and insulation tests.
- The terminal strip is broke. We will replace this part.
- The unit will be assembled and tested.
Tool change router spindle, 7.5kW, 24000rpm, 380v, 400 Hz, HSK 63F, s/n 05093967

R188213 Lower bearing
DR7000057 Upper bearing
DR7000240 Proximity Switch
DR7000087 Dynamic Balance Rotating Part
DR7000041 Spindle Repair Labor And Assy
Inspection Results:
•The spindle journal diameters show no appreciable wear and are acceptable for proper bearing fits.
•The upper bearing housing inner diameter meets design specifications and shows no appreciable wear. No modification is required.
•The lower bearing housing inner diameter meets design specifications and shows no appreciable wear. No modification is required.
•The taper runout is acceptable. Our proposal provides no repair to the spindle taper.
•The upper and lower bearings show some wear on the inner and outer diameters.
•The tool pressure test checks fine.
•The stator passed the phase and insulation tests.
•The proximity switches work fine and will be set at time of assembly. The drawbar nut was loose causing the sensor not to read properly. We will replace (1) sensor.
•The unit will be assembled and tested.