Umbra 6.5kW 32000rpm 220 380v 1066 Hz HSK 32 4P 080-0418 spindle repair
DR7001811 Lower bearing
DR7001812 Upper bearing
DR7000024 Drawbar Retainer and screws
DR7000087 Dynamic Balance Rotating Part
DR7041ATCSpd ATC Spindle Repair Labor And Assy
***Repair proposal R20241249
***Umbra, 6.5kW, 32000rpm, 220/380v, 1066 Hz, HSK 32, 4P, 080-0418
We are pleased to provide our repair proposal for the subject unit. Below is a
detailed pricing summary for your reference.
Inspection Results
The spindle journal diameters show no appreciable wear and are acceptable
for proper bearing fits.
The upper bearing housing inner diameter meets design specifications and
shows no appreciable wear. No modification is required.
The lower bearing housing inner diameter meets design specifications and
shows no appreciable wear. No modification is required.
The taper runout is acceptable. Our proposal provides no repair to the
spindle taper.
The upper and lower bearings show some wear on the inner and outer
diameters. The upper bearing failed and caused damaged